Well, looks like I’m gonna be back in D.C. on April 10th to get some certifications and also get some more insight on eZ Publish, specifically eZ Find for the new D.C. website. Should be a fun time. I confirmed that I am also going to D.C. and not Virginia this time, so change will…
Vegas Recovery Time
After going to las vegas many a time, I can say that the recovery time is 2 days. The first day is the day you get back and the 2nd day is the day after, which usually falls on a Monday and you’re at work. Its tuesday today and I feel great, so my theory…
if it’s broke, fix it.
I think I created my own demise when I posted that all blogs will die, because mine is almost suffering the same fate. However I do not want this to happen. I just gotta think of new things to do. I am going to switch up my postings to be “long tweets”, just any random…
Quiksilver: The new job
Hello all! Sorry for the lack of updates, but let’s just say 2011 has started off in full gear and I’ve honestly been too busy to post. This week however I’ll take the time to write a quick update about my new job at Quiksilver. If you don’t wanna continue reading, I’ll give you the…
The older I get, the fast time flies
I swear I just made a post about my trip to Virginia at the new job, Quiksilver. It’s amazing how it is already February, winter is gonna die pretty soon, and the super bowl is already over? I still have the blog on my mind but have been busy “finding my groove” adjusting to the…
Video of my first time in Virginia
The New ROI 2.0: Return on Interruption
How many times a day do you catch yourself doing some work or are in middle of something, and then you get an Instant Message from someone? Or maybe you get this urge to go on Facebook or check your Twitter, only to realize that nothing has changed at all, nothing important has happened? If…
Regular Website. Mobile Website. Now Leanback website?
Over the weekend I received a Google TV from Google (thank you). The model I got is the Logitech Revue. First and foremost, the thing is awesome as hell. It’s basically like a computer, using your monitor as the display. Past efforts like web TV have failed because using a TV as a monitor doesn’t…
A slow website makes me want to kill myself: Update
I don’t know about you guys, but *I hate when* loads REALLY REALLY slow when it comes to Drupal websites. I’ve tried everything in the book and it’s still slow. I’ve turned on Zend Optimizer, increased mem limits, the works. UPDATE: I think it was something just periodically because everything is running better now (maybe…
Why don’t computers have this?
Far too many times I’ll be working with Photoshop, Word, TextWrangler, etc… and I will want to close the application. Sure, I may not have saved it up until the time of closing but sometimes I don’t need to save. A lot of programs register even a simple left click as “editing” and therefore will…