I cannot tell you how happy I was on Valentines day, the first one with my current girlfriend Kala. Usually for me Valentines day is spent with me and my friends going to Goat Hill Tavern or something of the like. Even when I did have a girlfriend before I didn’t really do much, partly because the last time I was in college and had no money and partly because I never really felt the need to do anything extravagant.
This year things are different. Without going too much in depth of my current relationship status, let’s just say things are prettttaayy preetttaaayyyy good.
Kala would always say “I can’t wait to give you your gift” and I never thought too much into it. The biggest reason being that I don’t like spoiling surprises. So I would take what she said very lightly and patiently waited for Valentines. I got her a gift too of course.
But no way I could have imagined what she got me!
Anyone who knows me knows that Kobe is my man, the baller of all ballers. He’s so sick its unbelievable. I contemplated getting his new shoes but I did get scared of the initial price tag. I had registered for the e-mail alerts of when they would be on sale, would watch kobe unveil a showing at the lakers game, etc.. etc… I’ve had Kobes since the Kobe Is, which were on Adidas. I even had the Kobe IIs, and those looked like straight up space shoes.
But back to the shoes. They are SOOOO SWEET. My mouth actually hurt cause I was smiling so much. I took her to Morton’s for dinner after which was fantastic as usual, but she definitely won in the battle of gifts. I don’t wear hats so I can’t say “my hats off to you”, but if you’re reading this just know I am forever thankful. I do fear Kala’s birthday though, how on earth am I supposed to top KOBES!?
The shoes come with 2 soles for crying out loud, a “Play Fast” sole and a “Play Strong” sole. This is very very dangerous… For my opponents…
Anyhoo, I had to share this. Perhaps this blog will be about me getting sick shit? But then again, its my blog, so I can have whatever I want on it.

Nice review. I would just like to know which insole is better and why