Just finishing a solid 2 weeks in France working against the April 21st deadline for “mobilegeddon”
I haven’t written in awhile but thats because I’ve been busy coding, which is good.
I’ll eventually write a theme for my own site haha.
its funny looking back at old posts, from say 2010 and how I wrote about the adage: “the landscaper always has dead grass because he is too busy taking care of other’s lawns” (or something like that)
I do have another website in the works, which is a nerdy 50/50 built in React and Angular (will have a switch toggle at the top). There is no reason AT ALL for this, only to learn it and that its kinda cool (to me).
In looking at those 2010 screenshots from the old post, the design isn’t too bad I must say. Especially for it being 5 years old!