Yesterday was a big day, came into the office super early and got to finally push out the page I’ve been working on for DC – Gymkhana FIVE!
The video is amazing! (and also the most watched video on the internet right now)
This page is built as a “Microsite”. Microsites give us flexibility into what we want in the page. Customizable ares are as follows
- Open-Template HTML Block at the top (i used it for the background, YT embed, and logo)
- Option to be included in subnav of parents sport (in this case, auto)
- Facebook Username Feed URL
- Instagram Username Feed URL
- Twitter Username Feed URL
- Youtube Username Feed URL and Tag Filter
- GSI-Commerce Cat ID Feed
- Related News Tag (in this case, ‘Gymkhana 5’)
All the elements came together nicely and it looks great I think. Kudos to our designer Joe for supplying such an awesome background and other element treatment.
Although its only just a page, I think its rad and happy I got to work on it.