Today I launched the DC Shoes – Must Be Nice Instagram page. It’s a cool little piece that uses the Instagram API pull in pictures relating to the upcoming DC Snowboarding Video, “Must Be Nice”.
For awhile now, DC Riders have been using the hashtag #mustbenicedc . They’ve been taking pix and posting on instagram all the time. Now that we got a good amount of them, its time to showcase them.
The design for this was to be in a grid layout, and to have it be “never ending”. It was decided that if you click on a picture, a simple lightbox/fancybox should show up, along with the caption.
I took it up a notch a la Emeril Style and when there are no more posts to show, I display an image directing users to view the trailer. The catch for this code is that not all posts using #mustbenicedc should be used. ONLY DC Snow Team riders can show up on the feed. (Sorry is you’re already hashtagging, you wont get on the feed)
I like it, its cool, and its already got a ton of likes!
Check it out.

At the end of the Instagram Page, I load a simple trailer image (which I am JUST now realizing is not center!!!) It will take users to the Youtube Teaser video. If you look at the last post I just did, it should be the DC video page, but I’ll have to get Tyler to start a project for that one!