Last week, I was happy to launch the Quiksilver Video Player. It is built for ALL sports, including surf, skate, snow, watermans, and much much more. I built it off some existing code I had before, but a LOT of it was made from scratch. The player is really cool, and I had a blast working on it. The design process was long but I was happy to build this baby out, and I’m certainly looking forward to adding to it and tweaking it for the future.
Here were some of the requirements
- Must be able to run off of Youtube, using TAGS. Youtube removed the Playlist capability, so this is purely tag based (based off tag combos)
- Must be portable, should we decide to port it over to DC, Roxy, etc…
- Must only use front-end Javascript/jQuery
- Must be Deep Linkable (direct to video, direct to sport, direct to playlist)
- Must support iPad swipe
- For Desktops, must have arrows/carousel of videos
- Featured area must show the current playlist that you are currently watching (changes when you select a video to the current playlist the video is in)
- Facebook Share, using Youtube description, thumbnail, etc…
- Twitter Share
And now, the video player link:
Deep Link Video example
Deep Link Sport example
Deep Link Playlist example
I have a feeling I’ll be porting it to the other brands…
As you can see below, I can easily modify the playlists and tags and tag combos. I can easily update the Youtube username to whatever youtube user I want and the player will adapt like so.